EasyIT will take part in the Tee It Off For Brain Tumors golf tournament to support brain tumor research, prevention, and treatment. The golf tournament will happen at The Golf Club of Dublin on October 2, 2020. Discover how you can join us to support this worthy cause.

It is best if organizations focus beyond their revenue targets. Various issues in society need their help. Companies can transform lives beyond their core functions through sound corporate social responsibility.

One way organizations can help society is by participating in charity drives to raise money for worthy causes, such as brain tumor research and treatment. Brain tumors affect many people of all ages, ethnicities, and genders in the world today, including people right here in our community.

The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center — Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute does exemplary work in brain tumor research, treatment, and prevention. This noble institution needs people of goodwill to support their cause.

EasyIT will participate in a golf tournament later this year to support the work The OSUCCC-James does.

EasyIT will take part in the Tee It Off For Brain Tumors golf tournament to support brain tumor research, prevention, and treatment.

Tee it off for Brain Tumors

EasyIT will participate in the charity golf tournament. The golf tournament will take place at The Golf Club of Dublin on October 2, 2020.

Proceeds of this tournament will go to The OSUCCC-James. Our contributions will go to Brain Tumor Research and funding the Fellowship Program. It will support their research, treatment, and prevention of brain tumors.

The tournament will also have a silent auction, lunch, and raffle.

Do you wish to take part in this noble effort?

You can sign up for the Tee it off for Brain Tumors tournament.

You have the following opportunities to support the golf tournament and The OSUCCC-James.

Tournament Sponsor Gold Level $1,000.00

  • You will have your name on the name tag on the fliers’ top.
  • One person on your team plays for free.
  • You will get many mentions during the tournament.
  • Hole #1 sponsorship — named as a critical donor.
  • Your company name will be on the yard sign at the tee box.
  • Organizers will mention you during the awards time.

Tournament Silver Sponsorship $500.00 

  • Your name will be on the fliers.
  • Organizers will mention you when the tournament starts.
  • You will choose hole sponsorship, excluding hole #1.
  • Organizers will mention you during the awards time.

Drink Cart Sponsorship $400.00 

  • Organizers will mention you at tee-off.
  • Your name will be in the flier.
  • Your name will be on the cart.

Long Drive Sponsorship $200.00 

  • Organizers will mention you at tee-off.
  • Your name will be on the yard sign at the tee box of the long drive hole.
  • Organizers will mention you during the awards time.
  • Your name will be on the fliers.

Longest Putt on Hole #18 $200.00 

  • Organizers will mention you at tee-off.
  • Your name will be on the yard sign in the tee box on #18.
  • Your name will also be on the flier.
  • Organizers will mention you during the awards time.

Hole Sponsorship $250.00 

  • Organizers will mention you during the tee-off speech.
  • Your name will be on the yard sign in a tee box.

Benefits of Participating in the Golf Tournament

Why should you take part in the Tee it off for Brain Tumors tournament?

The primary reason to participate in this golf tournament is your contributions will impact lives through The OSUCCC-James. The funds we will raise will be for their Brain Research and fund the Fellowship Program. You will sponsor critical projects in research, treatment, and prevention of brain tumors.

Wouldn’t you want to participate in this noble cause that will improve people’s lives?

Your company may also benefit through the advertisements that feature you during the golf tournament.

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