What You Should Know About Phishing Emails
You’ve probably heard about how hackers have been defrauding consumers by using a method known as “phishing.” Using this type of cyberattack, scammers attempt to[...]

Why Microsoft’s EOS Deadlines Should Concern You More Than the Y2K Bug Did
More than 20 years ago, you’d find many of us frantically running around concerned about the Y2K bug. Remember that? We were led to believe[...]

Microsoft’s EOS Deadlines: 4 Things to Know Going Into 2020
By now, you’re probably sick and tired of reading about Microsoft’s end of support (EOS) deadlines on this blog, but we aren’t finished educating you[...]

How Technology’s Impacting Business Growth Opportunities in 2020
With 2020 right around the corner, businesses are already evaluating how the ever-evolving technology landscape can assist with potential growth opportunities — and there are[...]

Fall for a Phishing Scam? Here’s What to Do
While there are too many types of cyberattacks for business owners to stay on top of throughout their daily lives, they’ve more than likely come[...]

Are Leaders Actively Engaged in Cybersecurity Strategy?
While there’s a lot of talk about cybersecurity being a top priority among high-level executives, something’s missing from the conversation, and it’s detrimental to the[...]

Upgrading for Microsoft’s EOS? Here’s What the Tax Code’s Section 179 Can Do for You
Preparing for Microsoft’s end of support (EOS) deadline in January isn’t how you want to end the year, but it’s something to plan for —[...]

What Microsoft Teams Can Do for Your Business
Microsoft Teams is back in the news. This time the chatter is around the tech giant actively working on a Teams client for Linux, the[...]

Recap: What You Should Know About EOS, and Why It Matters
Throughout the year, we’ve been reminding you about Microsoft products reaching end of support (EOS) in January 2020. Some businesses have heeded warnings, while others[...]