Does your internal IT staff need backup? Read to discover how external IT support can help you get the best from the internal IT team.

If you are reading this article, you are wondering whether your internal IT team needs backup. This interest could be because you noticed an area that your employees are struggling with or considering different IT support setups.

Your internal IT team offers many benefits to your organization. They are available during their shifts, know your IT requirements, and return your investment in improving their skills.

Some projects can exhaust your IT team because they are not experienced in these areas or need a lot of attention. You may also be looking at a new IT venture, but you do not have the personnel to help you implement it. Hiring, training, and keeping IT specialists for the initiative can also be too expensive.

What do you do when you encounter these challenges? Clients always ask EasyIT whether their inhouse IT team needs backup. EasyIT provides IT support and IT services to organizations.

This article will help you discover how getting the right support for your internal IT department can help you achieve your goals.

Does Your Internal IT Team Need Back Up?

Disadvantages of Relying On your Internal IT Team

While internal IT support offers your organization many benefits, the setup has some limitations. These constraints can include:

It Costs You More

An IT employee costs an organization $40,000–130,000 per year. The exact figure depends on factors, such as the qualifications and experience of the staffer.

This figure does not include other benefits and allowances that you may give them. Additional expenses may include:

  • Sick pay
  • Annual payroll tax
  • Health benefits
  • Training expenses
  • Equipment and space for them to work
  • Vacation time

You will also spend a lot of time recruiting, training, and managing the employee. You may need to give your top worker frequent pay rises to keep them.

If you incur these expenses for a single employee, imagine how much an entire IT department will cost you. Will you afford to pay all these employees? Your limited IT resources can support a small IT team. Getting external IT support to complement the group can ensure you keep IT support costs low while getting the IT services you need.

Your Internal IT Team May Lack of Expertise

Most medium and small organizations hire employees with entry-level capabilities. They can hire people with these skills because they have minimum IT requirements or cannot afford more qualified personnel.

While this recruitment can help you, the employee’s inexperience may become a liability as you grow. For example, upgrading your network can bring a new infrastructure that the staffer does not know how to handle. The employee can also struggle to solve some IT issues.

Getting external support to complement your IT staff can help you enjoy most IT support companies’ experience.

Benefits of Outsourcing External IT Support to Complement Your Internal IT Department

Are there benefits for a hybrid setup? Your organization can enjoy many benefits of external IT support complementing your internal IT department.

You’ll Save on Cost

external IT support costs $5,000–30,000 per year. The fee you pay for the IT support is lower than the expenditure you incur for an employee. You also do not have to pay for benefits and allowances.

For external IT support, you only pay for the resources you use. For example, you will only pay if you contact them to provide support. If you do not get their services, you do not pay. This arrangement is cheaper than hiring a full-time employee that you will pay, even if they do not work.

Most IT support companies offer extra benefits to their clients. They can train your employees, provide their equipment, or provide consultations for free. These benefits can save you the resources you would have spent on them.

You Get Access to Skilled and Experienced Experts

employees of IT companies get exposure to different networks and clients. They help many clients with IT setups similar to yours. Getting their support can help you enjoy their experience. They can identify developing issues, solve problems, or advise you on IT opportunities for your business.

If your internal IT staff is struggling in some areas, the external team can help them. They can help you ensure your IT support is at optimum levels and train your employees to deliver IT better support.

Let Your Internal IT Department Focus on Strategic Areas

Some functions can stretch your internal IT team. A hybrid setup can allow you to leave these areas to the external unit. This arrangement lets you focus your internal IT department on areas they provide the best value. The help can also ensure your staff is not overworking.

For example, you can leave cybersecurity to the external IT team. The external IT support can better handle it, as they encounter several threats. You can let your in-house IT team focus on areas, such as offering IT support to your employees.

EasyIT provides various IT services and solutions such as managed IT services, managed IT security, and structured cabling to Columbus, Ohio.

At EasyIT, we are ready to provide reliable and customized IT solutions for your organization. We provide 24/7/365 support, and our team gives quick feedback.

If your internal IT team needs external support, we can help them. We are flexible, and we will tailor our solutions to suit your team’s needs.

Are You Ready to Get Support for Your Internal IT Team?

Contact us today and support your internal IT department to ensure you leverage IT to achieve your goals.

How Much Should Your Organization Pay For IT Support Services in Columbus?

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