EasyIT Sponsors Golf Cannon At The 2024 Ohio Credit Union League Golf Outing

At the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation event, you had the chance to enjoy a unique golfing experience. EasyIT sponsored a hall and brought a golf cannon gun for everyone to try. The weather was perfect, making it a great day for outdoor activities.

You could support a good cause while having fun. When you paid to use the cannon gun, all the money went straight to the league. EasyIT covered the cost of the cannon, so your contributions helped the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation and the credit unions it supports.

Key Takeaways

  • EasyIT sponsored a hall and brought a golf cannon gun to the event
  • All money from using the cannon went to support the league
  • The event helped the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation and local credit unions

EasyIT Supports Ohio Credit Union League Foundation with Golf Event

EasyIT sponsored a hole at the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation event. We didn’t stop there. We brought a golf cannon gun to add some excitement.

The best part? Every dollar went to the League when you paid to use the cannon. EasyIT covered the cost of the cannon, so all the money raised went straight to the cause.

It was a perfect day for golf and giving back. The sun shined as participants lined up to try their hand at the cannon. Laughter and cheers filled the air with each shot.

You helped raise $1,100 for the League at our hole. Your enthusiasm and generosity made a real difference.

We’re proud to support the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation and the credit unions it serves. Events like this show the power of coming together for a good cause.

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EasyIT Golf Cannon Fundraiser

EasyIT sponsored a fun event at the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation. You got to try out a golf cannon gun! The best part? All the money from using the cannon went straight to the league. EasyIT covered the cost of the cannon, so every dollar you spent helped support credit unions.

The weather was perfect for the event. Everyone had a blast trying out the golf cannon. It was a great way to have fun while raising money for a good cause. EasyIT was thrilled to support the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation and all the credit unions it helps.

Golf Cannon Fun for a Good Cause

You can’t miss the exciting golf cannon gun at our event! This unique attraction lets you test your aim and power. The best part? Every shot helps support the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation.

EIT covered the costs, so all the money from cannon use goes straight to the foundation. It’s a win-win – you have fun while backing a great cause.

The weather was perfect for outdoor activities. Sunny skies and mild temperatures made for an ideal day of cannon golf.

This interactive game added an extra element of enjoyment to the foundation hall. Credit union members and guests loved trying their hand at launching golf balls with the cannon.

Your participation in the golf cannon activity directly benefits Ohio credit unions. The foundation uses funds raised to support credit unions across the state.

Supporting the Credit Union Community

EasyIT sponsored a hall at the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation event. We wanted to add some excitement, so we brought a golf cannon gun for everyone to try. The best part? All the money from people using the cannon went straight to the league. EasyIT covered the cost of the cannon, making sure every dollar raised went to a good cause.

The day was perfect for outdoor fun. You could feel the energy as people lined up to test their skills with the golf cannon. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves while supporting such a worthy organization was great.

Thanks to your enthusiasm, we raised $1,100 for the league at our hole. This money will help the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation continue its important work supporting credit unions across the state.

We’re proud to back the foundation and the credit unions it helps. Events like this let us have fun while making a real difference in our community. It’s just one-way EasyIT shows our commitment to the credit union movement.

EasyIT’s Support for Credit Unions

EasyIT recently backed the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation. We paid for a hall and the whole event. To make it more fun, we brought a golf cannon gun. People could use it for a small fee. All the money from the cannon went to the League. EasyIT covered the cost of the cannon itself.

The day was lovely. Everyone had a great time. You could see smiles all around as people tried out the golf cannon. It was a hit!

We’re proud to support the Ohio Credit Union League Foundation, which does great work supporting credit unions across the state. This event allowed us to show our thanks in a fun way.

By sponsoring this event, we mixed business with pleasure. We strengthened our ties to the credit union community and provided a unique experience for attendees.

EasyIT is committed to being a good neighbor. We look for chances to give back. This event was a perfect fit. It lets us support an important cause while creating some joy.

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